Loneliness: “Let me introduce myself”
Being lonely and being alone are not the same! I am the emotion, being alone is describing a situation. When you are surrounded by people you can still feel lonely, even though you are not alone. And when you are alone I don’t necessarily come and visit you. When you are alone you may meet me, loneliness, but just as often humans can feel happy and content when they are alone. So please do not say that we are the same. This is so very important to me.
Because I don’t like being present and working too hard, take this to heart: Show the human that has employed me understanding and compassion. If I see true connection I will be gone. This connection can be demonstrated by crying together, receiving hugs or support, and also by feeling frustrated angry or happy together. To help the human who has employed me all you have to do is share. I will be thankful for your support because it will mean that I don’t have to work for too long.