ADHD Assessment
Children and Young People
(ages 6 - 17 years old)

I believe that every child should have equal opportunities and receive appropriate support within educational settings to allow them to thrive. A diagnosis of ADHD can help you advocate for your child’s wellbeing, and can provide an explanation for difficulties they may be experiencing in their daily life. This understanding can help your child and others in their environment be more empathic, allowing you to develop individualised strategies to help manage challenges at home, within relationships, and at school.

I have undertaken rigorous diagnostic training both in the UK and Germany and carry out thorough ADHD assessments for children aged 6-17, as well as for adults. My extensive and rigorous process ensures accurate diagnosis and is in line with best practice guidelines in multiple countries, including the UK National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidelines.

In order to maximise efficiency and to minimise costs for clients the diagnostic process is split into two parts.
Read on for an overview of the ADHD diagnostic process >>

Stage One (Screening) at a glance


Stage One (Screening) costs £400
This includes all correspondence with the clinic at any point during working hours, any short phone calls or check-ins, a copy of the QbCheck results as well as immediate feedback of the outcome of the initial assessment.

Timings & availability

The screening takes approx. I hour
You will also need to complete the necessary intake paperwork prior to your screening appointment.
I currently have availability to conduct assessments within 2-4 weeks of initial contact.

What comes next?

Stage Two - Assessment
If the results of the initial assessment indicate that a diagnosis of ADHD is likely to be given, you will be invited to progress to Stage Two. Further information will be sent to your email, and you’ll be asked to book in for an additional session.

Stage One - ADHD Screening

In order to maximise efficiency and to minimise costs for clients the diagnostic process is split into two parts. The screening stage has been carefully curated to provide an accurate, initial indication of whether symptoms of ADHD are present before proceeding to full assessment.

ADHD screening for children - Brighton-based psychologist

Step 1 - Submit an enquiry

To commence the ADHD screening process, you will need to complete an ADHD Assessment Enquiry form.

Step 2 - Complete an intake form

Once you have submitted your enquiry, you will receive an email to the address provided, including a link to the ADHD Assessment Intake Form. This will allow you to provide detailed information about your child, their current circumstances, and any issues you / they may be experiencing.

NB: please make sure to check your junk / other folders as my reply my may flagged as spam!

Step 3 - Book your initial screening appointment

The email you receive will also provide you with a scheduling link to book your initial screening appointment. During this appointment, you and your child will meet with myself. After the first 10-15 minutes I will ask the adult to leave the room. Preschool children typically have a parent or caregiver present throughout. Your child will then complete a QbCheck and I will continue to assess your child for indications and presentations of ADHD. This can take place in-person at my Hove practice (recommended), or via video call (QbCheck NOT included). You should allow an hour for the screening appointment.

Step 4 - Receive immediate feedback

At the end of the screening appointment you will receive immediate feedback. If the results of the initial screening indicate a likelihood of ADHD, you will progress to Stage Two of the ADHD Assessment process.
If all indicators suggest that there is no ADHD present, we will conclude the process at this stage and you will receive a detailed report outlining the results. If you are still interested in seeking further support, regardless of the results, I will be happy to discuss the option of providing therapy for your child, depending on my availability.

Stage Two (Assessment) at a glance


Stage Two (Assessment) costs £800
This includes analysis of all questionnaire data, conducting the parent appointment, the cost of the full diagnostic report as well as all correspondence with the clinic at any point during working hours, any short phone calls or check-ins.

Timings & availability

The appointment takes approx. 2 hours
You will also need to complete the necessary additional paperwork prior to your assessment. Assessments usually take place within 2-4 weeks of initial screening, and must be undertaken within a maximum of 3 months from our initial meeting.

What comes next?

Diagnosis and report
Once diagnostics have been completed, you will receive a full ADHD Assessment Report. This will present the findings and outcome of the assessment, and will detail individualised recommendations. The diagnostic decision will be based upon current guidelines and criteria as well as my professional training and clinical experience.

Stage Two - ADHD Assessment

If the results of the initial assessment indicate that a diagnosis of ADHD is likely to be given, the remaining diagnostic process (in accordance with NICE guidelines) involves the completion of several questionnaires and a parent appointment. During the parent appointment we will complete a developmental history and full diagnostic interview.

Step 5 - Completing the diagnostic process

If the results of the initial assessment indicate that a diagnosis of ADHD is likely to be given, the remaining diagnostic process (in accordance with NICE guidelines) involves the completion of several questionnaires and a parent appointment (which may take up to 2 hours). During the parent appointment we will complete a developmental history and diagnostic interview. Further details will be provided when relevant.

Step 6 - ADHD Assessment Report

Once diagnostics have been completed, you will receive a full ADHD Assessment Report. This will present the findings and outcome of the assessment, and will detail individualised recommendations. The diagnostic decision will be based upon current guidelines and criteria as well as my professional training and clinical experience. If required I will make specific recommendations for further exploration of your child’s needs. At present you can expect to receive the completed report within 4 weeks after completion of the parent appointment.


More information about the ADHD assessment process, including pricing and availability

Make an ADHD
Assessment Enquiry

If you’d like to proceed with the ADHD Assessment process, please fill in the following form. An email will be sent to the address provided within 48 hours of your enquiry - please make sure you check your junk / spam folders!

I look forward to hearing from you, and working with you to support your child.